Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Peruvian Posts: Local Culture

Peru is an interesting place. It is advancing at a break neck pace, with building and expansion visible everywhere. Interestingly, most of the buildings seem to be made with the ability to expand at a moments notice. The first floor is built, and the re bar is left exposed from the walls, so that they can be extended when another floor is needed. In the meantime they provide great lines for drying clothes. Lima is a bustling city of about 8 million and the traffic is quite insane. Aggressive is the key word. Merging is crazy with cars coming from every direction, and vehicles passing on the outside and forcing their way to the front. I can guarantee that a normal Vancouver driver would last about 5 minutes in Lima before his car would be demolished. As we headed farther and farther out into the country side, we began to see more and more of the way life used to be. In particular, when we were in the high alpine on our way back to Cusco we saw many of the indigenous people in there local clothing. Of particular interest was the head gear worn by the women which told the story of the woman’s life. Cusco itself is bustling with many foreign trekkers; this despite the fact that the world is in an economic downturn. In my estimation Peru needs a place on your personal bucket list.

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