Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Introduction to Peru

Up at 0800 hrs and out to build our bikes after a quick breaky. Man, the coffee sucks down here, no “real” coffee, only instant. Thankfully a few of our coffee addicts did their research and brought down their own beans and a couple of small bodoms. Definitely a must bring for this trip if it is in your future. After the usual “Hey anyone have an extra brake bolt, I forgot mine?” the bikes were built and we headed out for a quick lunch at a local restaurant. While eating some of the local delicacies we were treated to a mass protest right outside the window as several thousand women expressed their displeasure with the cancellation of a local “milk for kids” program. The streets quickly deteriorated into gridlock and it seemed that we might miss the afternoon ride at a local trail called “Pachacamac”. We quickly learned that our driver could get us through anything. The drive out to the trail head was probably as scary as any of the riding afterwards. It started in what seemed like a barren moonscape. We were actually riding down the floodplain of a small creek that occasionally gets a flash flood and spreads debris across a large area. The riding was a great introduction to Peru and way for us to get our legs. Because of our late start it was dark when we finished, and we still had to negotiate Lima traffic back to the hotel. Early start, late finish; could be a long trip.

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