Saturday, May 23, 2009

High School Mountain Bike Provincials: Valemount, BC

Race day dawns clear and cold. Our pre ride of the course yesterday revealed a gem of a course nestled under the snowy peaks. Skiing or biking, your choice! Valemount Senior Secondary is hosting the event and they have built a course especially for the event. Starting on the edge of town it climbs for 300 m with a variation of single and double track, before peaking with a neat little V trap between two trees. Then the downhill begins back into town with some really technical sandy sidehills and some steep descents into big bermed corners. The kids gave after one loop gave it a 8.9. Not bad for a first try. After our pre ride we made a quick trip to Mt. Robson and rode our bikes out to Kinney Lake. Standing beside that mountain makes you feel quite inconsequential. Stay tuned for race day results.

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