Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Afripex Tygirs

Afripex Tygirs
Originally uploaded by Steed Cycles
TransRockies 2008 Preview
August 9, 2008
The Road to the Race

Hello again from the TransRockies. This is the fifth year in succession that I have competed in this race, so I am feeling a little bit like an old hat at this.

The course appears somewhat similar to last years, although quite a bit harder as they have toughened up day 1 and 2. Day 1 now heads out of Panorama to the K2 ranch south of Invermere with a massive climb right off the start straight to the top of the 3rd highest ski hill in Canada. Last years day 1 was over in about 3 hours, this year promises to take about 5. Day 2 attacks the Rocky Mountains from a different direction from last year as we loop around the south of Lake Windermere and then head into the mountains through Fairmount Hot Springs Resort. The day quotes a massive 3800m of vertical which Trevor and I hope might be a typo but it will certainly take at least 6 hrs to complete. The fire hazard remains manageable this year, so it appears that we will be able to take on last years proposed Day 6 over the Continental divide as we climb through Racehorse pass. All in all, an intimidating course.

My partner this year is Trevor Linden, recently retired hockey player extraordinaire. He loves to ride his bike and since the end of his season, has put in a significant number of miles. Last week, we were riding in Whistler and combined two great technical trails. (Kill me, Thrill me, and Comfortably Numb) Our ride time was by far the fastest that I have ever done, and it seemed to me like our technical skills will prove to be one of our strengths. He is super enthused and I highly doubt that I need question his competitiveness. In fact, I am quite worried that I may be on the short end of the stick this week. Of course time will tell.

Our drive to Invermere was not without problems as our support vehicle appears to be acting up with intermittent starting issues. A long wait on the descent of Rogers pass as an accident is cleaned up has also put us into Invermere a little behind schedule.

Today we did final prep on the bikes replacing chain rings, cog sets and chains. A quick 75 minute ride with a few sprints tuned up the systems as we made sure that we had no shifting issues and that we were happy with our shock, fork and tire pressures.

Registration revealed many familiar faces including quite a few riders that have made there way here after riding this springs Cape Epic. Amanda Brooks from New Zealand is here riding with her boyfriend from Great Britain. As well, a large contingent of South Africans has arrived including Simon Hough and his partner. They make up the famous Afripex Tygirs and will be wearing their classic tiger skin suits all week. It will be interesting to see how they cope with the technical riding here as my experience in South Africa suggests that they are in for a big surprise.

Tomorrow’s stage start will quickly tell whether our fitness is anywhere close to that needed, as we will have to pin our heart rates immediately as we climb Panorama ski resort. It might be bit difficult to sleep tonight with that on our minds.

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