Sunday, July 6, 2008

BC Bike Race Day 5

BC Bike Race Day 5
Originally uploaded by Steed Cycles
July 2, 2008
Day 5
Sechelt to Langdale

OH MY GOD!!! Let’s think of adjectives. Rippin, smokin, flying, hardcore, unbelievable, smooth, technical, death defying, wicked, knarly, come on people work with me, this day tops them all. If there is one reason to come and do this race, do it so that you can ride this day.

Out of Sechelt in a 10+ km neutral roll out to get your legs in gear, and then right into the singlet rack. Unfortunately Justin Mark got knicked in a road crash soon after the start that ripped his derailleur and hanger clean off. Hats of to he and Jeff because they had the spare drop out installed, and the new derailleur working in a jiffy. They jumped on their bikes and time trialed back through the pack so fast that they caught me just after we hit the first single track climb.

I had so much fun last year on the last descent that I had forgotten that there was some significant effort required to get there. Ah, who cares, the Rat Race trails rock. We had another great day, eventually finishing 4th in Masters but well up the overall field.

The smiles in the Langdale ferry terminal were huge. Every one was on a huge endorphin high. We all had a quick shower in the finish area, and then jumped into some clean clothes before we walked onto the ferry for the trip to Horseshoe Bay, and then a bus ride up to the adventure capital of the world Squamish BC.

The weather again co operated and all our visitors were treated to some spectacular scenery as we made our way up the Sea to Sky highway. The highway is currently under construction in preparation for the 2010 Olympics and that alone can keep you amused for the trip. Squamish is currently transforming from a logging town into a tourist based economy and the moniker “Adventure Capital of the World” suits it well. Not only is there amazing mountain biking, but there is world class hiking, climbing, whitewater rafting, windsurfing, and kite boarding as well, Accommodation was at the recreation centre in town and we all had access to the swimming pool as well as the hot tub. We will be staying two nights in Squamish so no pack up tomorrow. Yeah!

I would love to say more about the amazing riding on this day but it would all be repetitious. You just have to come try it!

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