Friday, July 4, 2008

BC Bike Race Day 3

BC Bike Race Day 3
Originally uploaded by Steed Cycles
June 30, 2008
Day 3
Port Alberni to Cumberland

I sure didn’t sleep very well last night. I was pretty shattered when I finished. The last 20 km were pure hell as far as I was concerned. Massage by Sherry sure helped but internally I was really worried whether I would recover enough to be able to ride strong after a day with that kind of power output. Our support person Tom really helped by basically just doing anything that was asked while we rested our legs. The results showed that we had lost about an hour on the top teams and that we had moved back in the Masters field to 11th Place.

Monday dawned with an even earlier start as the logistics of moving camp from Cumberland to the Sunshine Coast requires some tight timelines what with the ferries and all. We were relegated to the 2nd start block and I knew that we had to make up as much ground as we could on the several km neutral roll out if we were to have any chance of moving up in the field. With the smell of the local canon club gunpowder in the air we were off at 0800hrs. We made our move quickly and when we hit the first single track climb, we were well up the field and thankfully never had to get off the bike. Some really fast double track descents led into what seemed like a very long slight uphill gravel road climb. Tim was gone off the front after the descent, and I could not bridge up to his group before the climb. No man’s land ensued until a few riders came along and we worked together to make the suffering a little less for everyone.

Our cohesive road work led first to where Tim was waiting by the side of the road and then to a raging creek crossing with water up to our hips. The far side revealed a steep scramble up a slope that required the course marshals to help with our bikes. Yeah to all the volunteers that help at these events. As an athlete I think that we often forget to thank them enough for all their support. These types of event could not happen without them!

Back on the road again we traversed across to the Comox valley and had some stunning views of the Straight of Georgia with Hornby and Denman Island in the foreground. Last year my daughter did this leg of the race and she suffered through a serious hike a bike to get into the Comox valley. The route this year is much better, rideable all the way. We were now into the hottest part of the day and you could see the heat sapping peoples strength as we made our way up the last real climb of the day so that we could enter Cumberland’s legendary single track trails.

I can now attest that the legend is true. Cumberland does have some fantastic trails. The course planner linked together multiple trails and even built a few new ones to make it flow better. It was extremely rooty, probably as rooty as any trail system that I have ridden, but that just added another element to the day with power moves required everywhere. My hands were so sore at the finish that it was becoming difficult to get my thumb to move the shifters.

The result was OK. No cramps, no bonks, and up to 10th overall with several other teams very close on the horizon. The rest of the Steed riders are coping well. Justin and Jeff are close to the front; Justin has had a few tough days in the heat but appears to be adjusting. The Steed Sistas; Michelle and Alex are also having a hard time with the heat with Alex suffering the most. That is the recipe of these races, you have to be prepared for anything and make the best of whatever happens. Everyone appears to be still smiling; it is hard not to after sweet single track to finish the day.

Tomorrows wake up call is at 0430hrs!!!! Ouch! We have to catch a ferry at 0630 to Powell River and then a bus ride to another ferry that takes us to Earls Cove. The start will be at 1100 hrs right in the ferry terminal. How cool is that.

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