Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Big Sur, California Coast

After I finished Lev’s King Ridge Gran Fondo in 2010, I organized myself a little credit card tour. You heard of this, yes? One bike, one change of clothes, and one credit card for all the other things. Pure 21st century decadence.

My plan was to spend the 4 days after the race and ride the California Coast. Santa Rosa to Sausalito via Bodega Bay and Mt Marin. Sausalito to Santa Cruz through San Francisco. Santa Cruz to Big Sur through Carmel and Monterey, and finally Big Sur to San Luis Obispo.

Spectacular riding all, but maybe a bit too much to bite off immediately after the Gran Fondo and maybe a little too optimistic about the distances.

The days were long, the longest in distance , the last at 225 km, and because of the traffic and congestion in San Francisco and around Carmel/Monterey long in time.

Not presently in my top ten rides, but worth it none the least in other ways!

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