Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tour TransAlp 2009: Day 7

Well after the last two days, today, the last day of the 2009 Tour Transalp seemed almost anticlimactic. 100km distance, 1550m elevation gain. Seems kind of easy! Profile here.

The ride started again with a good 33km of neutral start to warm up the legs from yesterday’s abuse.
The course wound through the grape orchards of the Trento wine region and I have to say was very enjoyable. The initial climb: not so much!
Yesterday’s effort took a lot out of a good proportion of the field and it seemed like a great many of the competitors decided that today was a cruise to the finish. Not so the infamous chocolatier Thomas Haas who blitzed by me about halfway up the climb and “won” the prime!

The rest of the day seemed to just cruise by and in no time we hit the final descent to the finish in Arco, only a few km. from the azure waters of Lake Garda. Just what you need, one last wicked twisty descent to finish the race on a high note and then the cruise down finish lane with arms raised in the satisfaction salute.
Congratulations to all the finishers of the 2009 Tour TransAlp, and especially Team Canada, all 26 strong!!!
I think that each and everyone of the participants can claim victory for conquering what many claim has been the hardest Tour TransAlp yet. Results here.

Anyone up for next year?

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