Monday, June 30, 2008

BC Bike Race Day 1

BC Bike Race Day 1
Originally uploaded by Steed Cycles
BC Bike Race 2008
June 28, 2008
Day 1
Shawnigan Lake to Lake Cowichan

An early start to the day ensued for 0700 hr breakfast in the main hall and then it was back to the room to get kitted up for the race. My partner in this race is Tim Graveson another Steed Cycle team member. Tim has extensive experience racing all types of bicycles and is quite a treat to watch as he flicks the bike back and forth on the trails. Watching him ride downhill on a XC bike really brings home to me what “flow” is really about. While I run into things and bang and crash my way over roots and rocks, Tim seems to effortlessly be one with the bike. It seems sometime like the bike never even touches the ground. He is 31 years old and compared to me a rocket. Since I am 49 we just squeak into the Masters category, but it remains to be seen if I can hang on to his wheel as the week progresses.

Other Steed riders here include Michelle Newton and Alex Watson riding in the female open (Steed Sistas), Justin Mark riding with Arrowsmith rider Jeff Riemer (Helly Hansen-Vancouver Island), and Trevor Stone riding with buddy Clive Russell (Spin Doctors) in the male open. Here’s hoping for some stellar results.

Day 1 starts off with 2 quick laps of the school grounds… and oh how eventful they were. If there is one thing that you must expect in this business it is to expect the unexpected and then figure out how to deal with. The last part of the lap lead us into a freshly cut hay field and a wander into the cut grass quickly resulted in the drive train mayhem. Tim and I watched as pretty much every one of the top teams pulled off and started pulling grass out of their cogsets. Last year’s winner Chris Eatough appeared to rip off a derailleur. Tim and I emerged unscathed by sticking to the edge of the field. By the time the second lap led us through the field grooves in the grass appeared to set up and it was not as much of an issue.

30 minutes in and “Oh my god” is Tim ever fast. My heart rate was pinned wide open and still it was all I could do to keep him in sight. Thankfully a little side slope single track ensued and allowed me to get back in touch. My last few races have seen me as the stronger rider so I guess some might see this as a little payback. I quickly learned again that when you are going flat out, time flies by and you tend to forget to eat and drink. The heat was unrelenting, and just as we headed up the longest climb of the day, el bonko arrived. It appeared that most of the double/single track climb was rideable but in my condition it didn’t quite happen. At least the hour that passed allowed me to rehydrate and fuel up. I can’t say that I felt great at the top aid station but I seemed to come back to about 80%. They say that 20% dehydration decreases your power output by 60% because it was sure hard to find that middle ring on the way up. A quick fire road descent spit us out onto the Cowichan rail bed and it was then 28 km of slightly uphill track to the finish. Man, did that ever hurt after a long day. It never seemed to end, but Tim pulled through and led it out most of the way.

I think we were both a little surprised after my mid day bonk to finish 5th in Masters and only 30 some odd minutes off the lead Masters team. There was much discussion amongst the regulars that the organizers had managed to put together one of the toughest first days ever.

So far, my overall impression as a second year rider at this event is they have listened to the competitors and turned it up a notch. Dean Payne the founder of the race says that two of the three most important items are food and then course. So far, he is spot on on both. Tomorrow brings the “road” day as we connect Lake Cowichan to Port Alberni. Hopefully, Tim and I can find a reasonable group and hide for the day.

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